Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Nightmare Fuel - Day the Seventeenth - Make a Wish

Another scrap of dialog from me; Does it show that I live in suburbia?

We also got a tale of sacrifice from Samantha Dunaway Bryant and one of triumph (or is it?) from Kary Gaul.

I'd be remiss in not mentioning yesterday's continuation of an ongoing serial by Charles Moore. It looks like he might end up with a short novel out of this.

Now, make a wish.

Make a Wish

"Is that your wish? You know that you only get one."

"You heard me. Stain my deck. And by "stain" I mean an outdoor-quality woodstain. Don't stain it with blood, certainly not with my blood. Just a nice wood-stain, the color compatible with what's already there. Two coats, please."

"You know, you've captured me. By the ancient rules I am yours to command, and I possess great power."

"Enough power to stain my deck?"

"Power enough for that, and more. Most men in your position would ask for wealth,"

"Eh. I'd just have to spend it on a new deck if this one doesn't get stained."

"Vengeance against your enemies?"

"The only vengeance I need is when my neighbors see my perfect deck."

The creature looked up. "I could fix it so this deck never needs staining. Wouldn't that be better?"

"I've read enough stories. You'd turn it into some kinda living monstrosity, oozing sap or blood or something. Nope, you have my wish. Two coats of minwax. Brushes are in the garage."

"I have your wish, but I'm giving you a chance to change it. After all, what you ask is a fleeting thing."

"SO,, I can change my wish?"

"Yes. One time only. I don't think you're seeing the full potential"

"You're right. Having you stain my deck is NOT the full potential."

"HA. Now you're talking., So what will it be? Endless wealth? Immortality?"

"No. I wish that you'd come here once a year, on a nice dry day, and put two coats of minwax on the deck, applied evenly and carefully with a horsehair brush."

"I HATE working in suburbia."

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